I was surfing around today and ran across something interesting at The Fanciful Land of Evolution blog.
From a Discovery Institute press release:
Exposing the Evolution Controversy Now showing at local theaters in Kansas!Wow! I had no idea this was in the works, and it looks as if it’s coming right to my hometown.
Kansas Science Hearings: Exposing the Evolution Controversy will open with a special showing at the Glenwood Arts theater in Kansas City on February 12, 2007. The film begins at 7 PM, but arrive early to get a seat. The movie will also be shown between Feb 7 and 13 in other locations around the state, including Topeka, Leavenworth, Wichita, Independence, Dodge City/Meade, and Garden City. Go to www.KansasScience2005.com for specific times and locations.
The documentary will be shown in theatres during the same time as the Darwin Day festivities. Good timing.