Next week is spring break so I better come up with some interesting activities and jobs for them to do around here to keep busy or they may end up killing each other for kicks before the week ends.
Oh, here's a story that will give you an idea of the insanity I have to deal with living in a house ridden with high levels of testosterone...
Yesterday, my husband and 2 boys were upstairs messing around in the kitchen and I was downstairs. All of a sudden, I (luckily) glanced out the window into my backyard and noticed a perfectly round circle of fire light up and begin to spread rather quickly. I'm thinking....WTF??! I scream "FIRE" as loud as possible and run outside hoping they heard me (or saw the fire) and were on their way out to extinguish it. Luckily, they heard me right away and met me out back where we all grabbed buckets and started dousing out the fire. It surprised me how fast it spread since it's been so wet around here lately. But, we were able to put it out before it spread too far.
I knew they must have thrown something out the window to start the blaze, and my first thought was that my husband flicked one of his cigarettes out the window without it being completely put out first. But, come to find out, they found a smoke bomb from last year's 4th of July party and decided to toss it out the window. I looked at my kids and started to scold them, but they immediately threw their hands up and said, "It wasn't us".
The alpha male, himself, pulled this little stunt. Grrrr....
Never a dull moment around the FtK household.