Climate change runs in cycles...always has, always will. While I do believe we need to take care of our planet, I don't believe we should allow the government to hold us over the fire to establish the extreme measures they want to enforce over a controversial issue that is so poorly supported by scientific evidence.
The New York Times article I linked to above claims that...
But Dr. Masters also said that government and academic studies had consistently predicted an increasing frequency of just these kinds of record-setting storms, because warmer air carries more moisture.
But, as NewsBusters reminds us...
By now, we're all familiar with the global warmists' attempt to explain away the record-breaking mid-Atlantic blizzards. Take this, for example, from the New York Times [emphasis added]:
"government and academic studies had consistently predicted an increasing frequency of just these kinds of record-setting storms, because warmer air carries more moisture."
So more snow fell from Philly to DC because the temperatures were warmer than normal during the blizzards? That got me wondering: just what were the temperatures in DC on the snow days, and how do they compare to the norm? And guess what?
DC has been hit by three major snowstorms this winter: 16.4 inches on December 18–19, 18.0 inches on February 5–6, and about 12 inches on February 10.
Let's compare DC's actual temps with normal temps for those days...Read more here.
Sen. Jim DeMint twittered the other day that D.C. snow will continue 'until Al Gore cries uncle'. Hee Hee. And, Senator Inhofe's family built an igloo for Gore. He ought to move in asap because his personal use of energy is off the charts comparatively speaking. Practice what you preach Al, and move into that igloo the Senator so kindly built for you.