Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Christmas Rush is ON!

The insanity has begun. I attempted to do a bit of shopping this morning, and found myself wanting to scream. The Christmas shoppers are already out in full force, and every time you turn around, you run into someone's cart. People are swarming everywhere!

I'm a rare breed...a woman who doesn't like to shop. I'd rather do just about anything other than shop, but there comes a point where you have to break down and do it or you don't eat and you run out of toilet paper. Can't have that.

I'm also horrific at picking out Christmas gifts. I'm horribly indecisive which leads to last minute frantic shopping. Hate that.

I'd love to just order all my gifts on line, but I know it would be less expensive to shop the stores during the Christmas sales.

I have run across some lovely Christmas cards on line though.

First off, we have the lovely Christmas creation theme...

Matthew 2:9 is featured on the inside along with the words, "May the Maker of Heaven and Earth light your way this Christmas".

...and then, of course, we have the Darwin Winter Solice.

the evolution of tradition.
Celebrate Winter Solice

Such a tough choice, isn't it?

Hmmm...I think Dembski was right.